Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Meeting with a Member of My PLN

I've been on Spring break this week and have been enjoying the time off. However, I never completely stop thinking about technology or connecting with my personal learning network (PLN). When I attended TeachMeet Nashville virtually on Friday, April 1, I began tweeting with several other attendees. Before I knew it I was tweeting with the founder of TeachMeet Nashville, Jason Bedell and Nancy Blair(a member of my PLN) about hosting a TeachMeet in Louisiana. People who have been to TeachMeet like to call it the unconference. TeachMeet (un)conferences happen all over the world. They are put on by teachers, for teachers, at no cost to the teachers.

Well Nancy and I found out that we would both be in Mississippi on the same day this week, so we set up a face-to-face meeting to discuss founding a TeachMeet in our respective areas. Nancy has experience as a conference planner and she knows the steps that help insure a successful event. She is planning to have TeachMeet Georgia in the fall, while I will be hosting TeachMeet Louisiana in the Spring of 2011. We met for about two hours and got a rough outline together. How cool is that. Both Nancy and I gladly gave our free time to work on events that will hopefully hook other educators into the wonderful world of technology.