Wednesday, January 1, 2014

BC1 - My Favorite Book

My dear friend, DEN Guru Kelly Hines, posted a blogging challenge and I decided to accept the challenge.

When I taught reading my favorite read aloud for my 4th graders was Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner. While I no longer teach a reading class, I have decided for the New Year I'm going to do read alouds with my social studies class, and I will begin with my favorite.

Why? First, I believe reading aloud to students helps build a strong sense of community within a classroom. Second, every student should understand that reading is not just for reading class. Third, nuturing a love for reading should be happening in every classroom.

So beginning when we return from our winter break, I will be reading Stone Fox to my students. I know that I will not get through the last few pages without crying, because I do so each time I read it. Stone Fox is such a great story of how determination can help you archieve a goal. Willie, Searchlight, Grandfather, and Stone Fox are all literary characters that I want my students to know and learn from.

I will tie the reading of this novel into my social studies curriculum by using the project ideas posted on this ThinkQuest from Oracle.

Have you read Stone Fox? What is your favorite read aloud for this age group? Please share in the comment section.